

Your Birthday - born 26th, April

Today - discover the make-up of people born on 26th, April ! Tune in each and every day to see the traits and characteristics people born on different days of the year hold.

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Born today on the 26th, April :
This nurturing sweetie-pie is everybody's ideal companion, just as long as you can stand experiment. Nothing ordinary is really interesting to April 26. They are a space capsule, always travelling farther and farther in search of new knowledge and new experience. The women may insist on natural childbirth with some extra interest tacked on. Perhaps the idea will be to have the baby underwater? Or surrounded by flowers - lilies are a Taurus favourite and their sweet perfume would make a grand welcome to any baby. Some may want music in the labour room. Males born on April 26 will harbour the same ideas which may not be in accord with the women in their lives born on other dates. But this adventurous dazzler finds it hard to take 'no' for an answer, and will try to persuade companions go along with their thoughts. At home, the experiments continue, particularly with food. Many of these individuals become vegetarian and many grow their own vegetables and learn to make them into wonderfully appetising, original dishes. Most people born on this date are too experimental to fit happily into ordinary corporate life. They can't see the point of rigorous rules and dislike authority figures. Find them running their own business, where they may flourish as inventors. But whatever they do, whether it be in the arts, or using the computer to earn their money, they find most corporate bodies eager to employ them as freelances, just because they are so original. This birthday child often does best away from towns, settled in the country. There they can farm, or garden, and do what they like best, walk and marvel at beautiful nature. In local communities they can be invaluable, striving to improve the environment with money-raising, energy and devotion which will surprise those around them. All April 26 people need regular solitude, without which they may feel overburdened and nervous.
Body :

This is the day that likes to experiment with food and makes its own wine. Nothing passes the lips of April 26, without this individual considering the effect it may have on the body. If you must indulge in wine-making, try this old recipe, traditionally valued for warding off fatigue, calming the senses and supplementing vitality and physical strength. Take 750g fresh peaches, 100g rock sugar and 1.8 litres of 45% clear alcohol. Place ingredients in a wide-mouth jar and leave to mature for three months to a year. Drink 20ml after dinner.
Mind :

Some of the battier ideas entertained by this caring star may be unattractive to others. Don't equate their love of you with their compliance with some of your more unusual dietary suggestions. This is unfair.

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